Source code for mp3fm

#!/usr/bin/env python

from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
import musicbrainzngs as mbz
from shutil import move
from glob import glob
import os

[docs]class PackSongs(object): """ It pack songs into folders according to property choosen by the user making easy to manage songs and keep them into folders """ def __init__(self, input_folder, tag=''): """ Initializing info to use for creating folders """ self.tag = tag self.folder = input_folder self.change_cwd() self.list_mp3files()
[docs] def find_info(self, song_name): """ Finding song info """ info = dict() # Loading Song try: self.mp3file = MP3(song_name, ID3=EasyID3) # Storing all details of song into "info" dictionary try: info['title'] = str(self.mp3file['title'][0]) except: info['title'] = '' try: info['artist'] = str(self.mp3file['artist'][0]) except: info['artist'] = '' try: info['album'] = str(self.mp3file['album'][0]) except: info['album'] = '' try: info['year'] = str(self.mp3file['date'][0]) except: info['year'] = '' try: info['duration'] = int( * 1000) except: info['duration'] = '' except: info = {} self.song_info = info
[docs] def change_cwd(self): """ Changing current working directory to user input folder to access songs """ os.chdir(self.folder)
[docs] def check_folder(self, folder_name): """ Checking if required folder exists otherwise create a new one """ if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name)
[docs] def list_mp3files(self, folder=''): """ Storing list of all .mp3 files """ # All posibilities of writing mp3 considered ;) if folder == '': self.songs = glob('*.??3') else: return glob(folder+'/*.??3')
[docs] def move_song(self, song, folder_name): """ Moving song to specific folder """ try: move(song, folder_name) except: pass
[docs] def generate_log(self): """ Generate a log file stating the songs inside each newly created directory """ # Listing all newly made folders new_folders = [i for i in os.listdir('.') if(os.path.isdir(i))] # Writing nfo data into log file fh = open('PackLog.txt', 'w') for folder in new_folders: text = 'Folder : ' + folder + '\n' + "-"*(12+len(folder)) + \ '\n\n' + 'Track Listing' + '\n' + "-"*len('Track Listing') + '\n' try: songs = os.listdir(folder) for index,name in enumerate(songs): text += str(index+1) + '. ' + name + '\n' except: continue fh.write(text+'\n\n\n') fh.close()
[docs] def put_songs(self): """ Putting all songs in folders according to user choice """ # Traversing all songs for song in self.songs: # Calling function to find song info self.find_info(song) info = self.song_info if info != {}: folder_name = info[self.tag] if folder_name in [None, '', 'Unknown']: folder_name = 'Random' self.check_folder(folder_name) self.move_song(song, folder_name)
[docs]class UpdateSongInfo(PackSongs): """ It updates all the songs information using online Music Brainz database. """
[docs] def authenticate(self): """ Authenticate the client to query the Music Brainz Server """ mbz.set_useragent('mp3fm', 1.0, '')
[docs] def search_musicbrainz(self, song_name): """ Searching music brainz db for particular song """ info = self.song_info if info['title'] == '' or 'Track' in info['title']: # Converting song_name into lower case so that we don't have to # search for all .MP3 combination like(mp3,mP3,Mp3,MP3) song_name = song_name.lower() if '.mp3' in song_name: pos = song_name.find('.mp3') info['title'] = song_name[:pos] # Finding song information in DB of music brainz and taking only 1 # result in response by using limit=1 = mbz.search_recordings(query=info['title'], limit=1, artist=info['artist'], release=info['album'], date=str(info['year']), qdur=str(info['duration']) )
[docs] def extract_info(self): """ Extracting information from result found in above function """ info = self.song_info data = if data['recording-list'] != []: result = data['recording-list'][0] try: title = result['title'] if title != '': info['title'] = title except: pass try: artist = result['artist-credit'][0]['artist']['name'] if artist != '': info['artist'] = artist except: pass try: for res in result['release-list']: if 'title' in res and res['title'] != title: album = res['title'] break if album != '': info['album'] = album except: pass try: for res in result['release-list']: if 'date' in res: date = res['date'].split('-') year = [i for i in date if len(i)==4][0] break if year != '': info['year'] = year except: pass try: dur = data['recording-list'][0]['length'] / 1000 if dur != '': info['duration'] = dur except: pass else: info = {} # Updating old song info with new info found from net self.song_info = info
[docs] def convert_to_unicode(self, string): """ Converting string into unicode string using UTF-8 format """ return string.decode('utf-8')
[docs] def save_info(self, song_name): """ Saving new song info """ # Loading new changed song info info = self.song_info # Loading Song try: # Updating title of song try: self.mp3file['title'] = self.convert_to_unicode(info['title']) except: pass # Updating artist of song try: self.mp3file['artist'] = self.convert_to_unicode(info['artist']) except: pass # Updating song album try: self.mp3file['album'] = self.convert_to_unicode(info['album']) except: pass # Updating release_date of song try: self.mp3file['date'] = self.convert_to_unicode(info['year']) except: pass except: pass try: # Saving new info back to song properties except: pass # Updating song name to title of song try: if info['title'] != '': os.rename(song_name, info['title']+'.mp3') except: pass
[docs] def update_id3(self): """ Function calling all other functions to update song info """ self.authenticate() for song in self.songs: self.find_info(song) if self.song_info != {}: self.search_musicbrainz(song) self.extract_info() self.save_info(song)
[docs]class UnpackFolders(PackSongs): """ It unpacks all the folders so that all songs comes out from folders and reside at one place """
[docs] def list_folders(self): """ Listing all folders """ self.folders_to_unpack = [i for i in os.listdir('.') if(os.path.isdir(i))]
[docs] def move_song(self, folder_name, song): """ Redefining the function which is Moving song to specific folder """ folder = folder_name try: # Moving a song from folder to current directory move(song, '.') # Storing songs list for creating log file try: self.moved_songs[folder].append(song) except: self.moved_songs[folder] = [song] except: # Storing songs list for creating log file try: self.unmoved_songs[folder].append(song) except: self.unmoved_songs[folder] = [song]
[docs] def generate_log(self): """ Redefining the function which is Generating log according to different types """ prev_songs = self.existing_songs moved_songs = self.moved_songs unmoved_songs = self.unmoved_songs # Opening a log file for fh = open('UnpackLog.txt', 'w') # Writing previously existing songs in log file fh.write('*** Previously existing Songs before unpacking ***\n\n') for index,song in enumerate(prev_songs): fh.write(str(index)+'. '+str(song)+'\n') # Writing moved songs in log file fh.write('\n\n\n*** Songs MOVED while unpacking ***\n') for folder in moved_songs: fh.write('\n\n'+str(folder)+':\n') for index,song in enumerate(moved_songs[folder]): fh.write(str(index)+'. '+str(song)+'\n') # Writing unmoved songs in log file fh.write('\n\n\n*** Songs UNMOVED while unpacking ***\n') for folder in unmoved_songs: fh.write('\n\n'+str(folder)+':\n') for index,song in enumerate(unmoved_songs[folder]): fh.write(str(index)+'. '+str(song)+'\n')
[docs] def unpack(self): """ Running all other functions to unpack folders """ # Making folders to create log file self.existing_songs = self.songs self.moved_songs = {} self.unmoved_songs = {} # Listing all folders inside given folder self.list_folders() # Traversing all folder to unpack them for folder in self.folders_to_unpack: # Listing all songs under a folder songs = self.list_mp3files(folder) # Traversing all songs and moving them for song in songs: self.move_song(folder, song)
[docs]def main(): """ Main function which is asking user for choices and making appropriate class objects and calling appropriate functions corresponding to them """ # User Choice Menu options = "1. Pack Songs into Folders.\n2. Unpack all Songs from Folders\n\ 3. Update Properties(ID3) of songs.\nEnter Choice:" menu = "1. TITLE\n2. ARTIST\n3. ALBUM\n4. YEAR\n5. DURATION\n6. COMMENT" tags = {1: 'title', 2: 'artist', 3: 'album', 4: 'year', 5: 'duration', 6: 'comment'} print(options) choice = input() # Input folder would be the folder which contains all songs. input_folder = os.getcwd() if choice == 1: print("'mp3fm' gives you the choice to move songs into folders \ according to given 6 categories:") print(menu) print "Enter Number corresponding to above given choices: ", tag = tags[input()] mp3fm = PackSongs(input_folder, tag) mp3fm.put_songs() mp3fm.generate_log() print("*** Folders made with a LOG file containing Songs Info. \ present in every folder ***") elif choice == 2: mp3fm = UnpackFolders(input_folder) mp3fm.unpack() mp3fm.generate_log() elif choice == 3: mp3fm = UpdateSongInfo(input_folder) mp3fm.update_id3()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

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